November 15, 2008


Dear California Voters Who Voted to Pass Prop 8,

You are stupid. You are very, very stupid. You are stupid because you passed Prop 8, taking away same-sex couples' right to marry. People who disagree with you will say, I suspect, that you are hateful and mean. That you are small-minded bigots. You are. But that is beside the point. The point is: you are stupid.

Your argument -- that gay marriage "violates the sanctity of marriage" -- has absolutely no constitutional, moral or semantic ground on which to stand. Your argument is stupid. And, again, so are you, since you argue this argument as vehemently (and stupidly) as you do.

Up to this point, the Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment has managed not to equally protect gay people. Mostly because gay people are not yet considered "discrete and insular minorities." I do not know why, exactly, this is, but I am 8,000% sure that you don't know, either; and that you are not, in arguing your position, making reference to legal precedent. You are just stupid.

Additionally, being gay is not wrong. Not because it is natural -- and, thus, "excusable" -- mind you, but because it is simply not wrong. And you cannot just say it is. For your refutation, be warned: I will need a better source than the Bible. Its lessons are laced with an anachronistic concept of morality. For instance: slavery is permitted. And also, it has talking animals in it. Like a Pixar film. Only it guides you morally and shapes how you fundamentally conceive of your existence.

Finally, not only is your argument unconstitutional and not-moral-in-any-modern-sense-of-the-word, it's semantically retarded.

Here's why this semantic failure means you are stupid:

Of all of the thousands of words in the English language and the gazillion ways in which those thousands of English words could be arranged to make a sentence, you have actually managed to choose a combination of English words that condemns something you want to outlaw -- gay marriage -- while simultaneously condemning things you want to keep doing. Namely: divorcing. And cheating. Which both, by definition, "violate the sanctity of marriage." Holy matrimony. Again: there were like a bazillion ways to avoid setting up this semantic trap for yourself. But you couldn't, because you are stupid.

Here's why this semantic failure means you are stupid, but less so:

Even if you have only dozens of word combinations at your tiny-brained disposal, it must be noted, to your credit, that even people with vocabularies and educations have a hard time proving that gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry. The only arguments with even a remotely logical basis are hypocritical, and the only arguments that aren't hypocritical are unconstitutional. Now, to be clear: still retarded. Totally. But so is every argument arguing this, so the real problem here was setting out to argue it in the first place.

(I'm almost done condescending you. Hold on.)

Look: I know if you could, you would rather just say: "Gays? I don't like 'em. Not one bit. Buncha fairyboys, lookin' all femme and all, 'ooohh, look at me' -- touchin' up on each other. No one wants to see that." But, of course, our country requires that you sublimate this fucking idiocy into something we can legislate. So, you went with "sanctity." But understand that American society is progressing. Legally justifying hate will get harder and harder, and demand more and more thought on your part. One day soon you will understand how stupid it is to argue against a human's right to a human right. Or, maybe you won't, because you're stupid.

You are stupid,
A Human Being

P.S. I know it wasn't just Mormons and rednecks who passed Prop 8 and thus it's not totally fair to mock in only a Mormony redneck voice; Blacks and Hispanics voted disproportionately to pass Prop 8. So, for the sake of fairness, go ahead and add an equally inarticulate and ignorant "urban" -- as opposed to "rural" -- response where you see fit.

E.g.: "Gays? I don't like 'em. Not one bit. Buncha fairyboys, lookin' all femme and all, 'ooohh, look at me' -- touchin' up on each other. No one wants to see that, esé." There.

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